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Why Do You Need SAT Prep?

Why Do You Need SAT Prep?

By / Feb 13, 2019

Need SAT Prep

The current SAT format is deluding.

The composition of the paper is such that it encourages a false sense of security. All the sections are so generic that you start believing “I don’t need dedicated prep for it. I have studies everything in my High School.”

Notwithstanding to this notion, SAT is capable enough to dupe you. Your sense of security can be shattered, if you take a few practice tests before taking the Official SAT.

In this post, we will discuss why your high school education is NOT ENOUGH to crack SAT.

Critical Reading 1. Reading during the SAT and reading in your English homework are totally different experiences. You’ve never had to skim a passage that fast before! In school, all that matters is that you have a good understanding of the content of the book. The speed at which you read is irrelevant. However, the SAT is a whole different story. Time is incredibly important.

2. From your English classes, you’ve learned that there is often more than one right answer to questions about the literature. You always have the opportunity to bring up unique ideas and perspectives. But in the SAT, you can’t write down what you really wish to say. All you can do is fill in a bubble. You need to practice narrowing down the most correct answer, even if you don’t believe that it is truly correct.
Writing 1. It can be hard to correct sentence structure because most students are not used to being in this position. You’re not teachers. You often write, but you infrequently edit the writing of others.

2. Writing the SAT essay is quite different from writing an essay in school. It’s strange not knowing a single thing about the prompt beforehand and having to draw examples out of nowhere. For class, you write essays about topics you’ve meticulously researched and formed ideas about during a period of a few days or more.
Math 1. This section can be awfully tricky because not all of us are in the same level of math. You could be tested on topics you have never learned or maybe you never took them seriously. Therefore, you are at a disadvantage because you now need to spend extra time learning these concepts.

Take our SAT online prep course. It is one of the most comprehensive programs you can find online. You get enough practice in each section and you have 10 Full Length Tests to bolster your SAT Preparation.

Surprisingly it is light on your pocket as well.

Checkout our convenient subscription plans.

Remember, we here at TCY are committed to your success.

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