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Tips and Strategies to Crack RRB NTPC Exam in the First Attempt

Tips and Strategies to Crack RRB NTPC Exam in the First Attempt

Tips and Strategies to Crack RRB NTPC Exam in the First Attempt

By Admin / Oct 21, 2019

RRB NTPC (Non Technical Popular Category) exam is conducted by RRB (Railway Recruitment Board). The exam is conducted in two stages: Stage I and stage II. Stage II exam also tests the skill of typing. Based on the performance of candidates in the second stage, they are called for document verification and medical fitness test.

It is an average level exam and purely comes under Central Government. The minimum educational qualification required is higher secondary. Age of the candidates must be between 18 years and 45 years. A large number of candidates apply for this exam. Therefore, it is not a cakewalk.

It is important to know that this test is conducted in 18 different zones all over the country and the candidates who have applied for one zone are not eligible to appear in the other zone. In this article, we will provide you certain tips and strategies to clear this exam in the very first attempt.

Here are a few general tips for RRB NTPC aspirants:

  • You should make a proper study plan and stick to it till you complete your preparation.
  • All the sections must be prepared well. Each section requires practice of at least 2-3 hours a day on a regular basis.
  • You must be aware of the Eligibility Criteria for RRB NTPC exam.
  • It is must to go through the syllabus and pattern of the exam before starting actual preparation.
  • You can also take help from previous year papers and sample papers to get an idea of the areas you need to work on.
  • This test contains scattered questions related to mathematics, general intelligence, reasoning and general awareness. So, time management plays a crucial role in clearing this test.
  • As this is a computer based test, you must practise online mock tests before appearing in the actual exam.

RRB NTPC exam mainly consists of the following three sections:

  1. Mathematics
  2. General Intelligence and Reasoning
  3. General Awareness



  • Before starting preparation, you must go through the syllabus carefully to have an eye on most scoring topics such as simplification, average, profit and loss, percentage and number series.
  • You can try devising some shortcuts and tricks while studying some complex topics such as compound interest, time and work, distance and speed etc.
  • You must prepare 3-4 topics in a day and practice a sectional quiz to become perfect in this section. A number of topic-wise tests are available on our website.
  • Always try to analyse the results of your practice tests and work on the weak areas.

General Intelligence and Reasoning

  • The reasoning section mostly requires high clarity of concepts. Devote a good amount of time to frequent topics such as non-verbal reasoning, coding and decoding, directions, logical puzzles and sitting arrangement.
  • Most of the students find solving puzzles and sitting arrangement questions quite difficult, but with the help of some short tricks you can get hold of these.
  • There are a number of practice problems available on our website as well as in the books to help you get a perfect score in this section.


General Awareness

  • While preparing for the General awareness section, try to focus more on History (modern and medieval history), Indian law and constitution and Geography as these subjects are highly scoring and questions from these are most frequently asked.
  • After preparing these topics, solve at least 50 questions a day to become confident in this section. Try to attempt only those questions about which you are 100% sure.
  • Read at least 2 national newspapers like The Tribune, The Times of India etc. every day and make a habit to attempt current affair quizzes because G.A is one of the most scoring sections in RRB NTPC exam.
  • You can also refer to daily news available on our website.
  • You can also solve previous year question papers to acquaint yourself with all type of questions being asked in the exam.
  • Mostly, toppers prefer various reliable publications for preparation.


So, plan your preparation and stick to the strategy keeping in mind the above given tips to crack the exam in your very first attempt. ALL THE BEST!

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Last updated on : Feb 12, 2025