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Strategies to Get a High Score in RRB Group D

Strategies to Get a High Score in RRB Group D

Strategies to Get a High Score in RRB Group D

By Admin / Oct 21, 2019

Are you wondering of you can get a high score in RRB group D exam? Yes, of course you can, but only if you have a sure shot plan and strategy to crack the exam. This will help you get a perfect score and achieve your desired government job. The need of hour is to go through the following tips to attain your desired goal:

  1. Go through the syllabus and pattern: Before starting to prepare for an exam, it is required to have a look on the latest pattern and syllabus of it. RRB group D exam is a two tier exam that consists of a Computer Based Test (CBT) followed by a Physical Efficiency Test (PET). Only those candidates will be called for PET who will clear CBT. The CBT basically consists of four sections: Mathematics (20 questions), General Intelligence and Reasoning (30 questions), General Science (20 questions) and General Awareness and Current Affairs (20 questions). You can have look at previous year papers and their analysis to get an idea about all the topics and questions being asked in the exam.

  2. Focus more on frequently asked and easy scoring topics: Analysis of previous year papers held in different shifts shows that there were 5- 10 questions from Current affairs (including recent events related to sports, cinema, latest appointments (Business and Polity)) in the General Awareness section. General Science section basically consisted of 4-6 questions from Biology, 8-10 questions from Chemistry and 3-4 questions of basic concepts of Physics. In most of the previous year papers, questions were also asked from the topics: percentage, profit and loss, number series (2-3 questions), number systems (2-3 questions) and trigonometry (2-3 questions).

  3. Practise online: The tier I of this exam is a computer based test so you must be well-acquainted to the platform. Try to practise online mock tests to have the actual experience of the exam. You should analyse your weak areas and work on them to give an excellent performance during the exam. A lot of topic wise tests are available for you on our website. https://www.tcyonline.com/exam-preparation-free-railways-online-practice-and-preparation-tests/101039/railways-rrb  Attempt sectional tests to improve your scores in particular sections. Also, a number of mock tests are available on our website to help you get a real exam experience before the actual exam.

  4. Time Management : The test contains questions related to various topics in a shuffled manner. As each question is of 1 mark, with negative marking 1/3rd , you can skip time consuming questions. This will save your time and increase the accuracy of  all the attempted questions. First attempt those questions about which you are much confident.
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Last updated on : Feb 12, 2025