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Cut Throat Competition is the Norm
The government and banking jobs coaching market is unique in the sense that almost every coaching center uses a similar methodology, similar content, similar course structure, and similar promotion strategy. In fact, even the fee structure is very similar. All this creates a highly commoditized market where differentiators are hardly there resulting in tremendous price pressure on the coaching centers. Barring few TCY powered centers, premium offerings are almost non-existent in this market. This is at the same time a market where students would easily shell out even 10 times the normal coaching fee if they are assured of job selection.
Different Students, Different Needs
None of the conventional coaching centers despite their best intentions run a program that can assure results for the students. The main challenge is that the students who join Banking & Govt job coaching come from a very wide variety of backgrounds. They have different educational backgrounds, different socioeconomic statuses, and they have different levels of understanding of the subject when they are sitting in the classroom. So, the teacher in a large class is aiming somewhere in the middle; a sure recipe for disaster as far as results are concerned.
How Some Coaching Centres are Changing the Game
But some coaching centers are using TCY’s remedial methodology to adapt the teaching-learning process to the unique requirements of every student sitting in the class. The algorithms have the ability to successfully adapt the learning even in a very large classroom for each student without the intervention of a teacher.
A Quantum Leap Over Competition
The quantum of practice available in this category is again very important. More than the quantity, it is how the course is structured that matters. Here a student prepares for one exam but would appear for many similar exams. Hence, the course structure to create success must ideally be two-tiered. A course for skill-building in Quantitative aptitude, reasoning, English, and GK followed by exam-oriented practice. This is where the books, practice exercises, lecture slides, etc. come into the picture. The exam-oriented practice is another area where TCY powered coaching centers take a big leap over their competitors. TCY caters to over 180 different categories of exams, so partner centers are able to give actual exam experience to their students even on local niche examinations like the panchayat secretary recruitment exams.
Online Exam Needs Online Practice & National Benchmarking
Most of the exams have gone online. A simulated interface, score prediction and benchmarking are essentials for exam success. TCY partner centers are effectively able to give their students not only practice on a simulated interface but also benchmarking at the national level from day-1 for even the practice tests. This builds up the competitive spirit and awareness in the student, critical for exam success.
If You are Not on Mobile, You are Nowhere
The student of today is an avid mobile content consumer. It is his or her preferred platform for content consumption of any kind and education is no exception. TCY enables coaching centers to extend the classroom and online classes beyond normal classroom hours but the student remains connected to his or her learning at any time on the go.
It is time to rise above the rut of meaningless competition and assume the leadership position in your market. Make sure that your students land up in their dream jobs creating lifelong diehard fans of your coaching center. TCY is just a call away.