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5 Essentials Tips for GRE Test Prep

5 Essentials Tips for GRE Test Prep

By / Feb 13, 2019

Essentials for GRE Test Preparation

Though GRE is just a 4-hour test, it can feel like an eternity if you are not adequately prepared for it.

Here are 5 Essential Tips that ensure your GRE Success.

1. Official Content

GRE Official Content is inviolate. If you appear for GRE without completing the Free Official content available on ets.org and the GRE Official Guides available in the market (also online), then you are in serious trouble.

2. Give yourself reasonable amount of Time

You are a genius. We don’t deny that. GRE test makers are masters of disguise. Nefarious questions look innocuous and just a moment of negligence, you are the prey.

So, you must give yourself at least 60 days of time to acquaint yourself of the common traps on the GRE. Stay focused, and work on each area, without underestimating the rigor.

3. Testing

Do not spend your entire preparation time in acquiring skills and practicing problems. Remember, this is an online test. If you are not comfortable answering an online test, then any amount of prep is of no use.

Dedicating some time everyday and taking plenty of GRE practice tests online is the best way to prepare for the GRE Exam.

4. Remedial Action

Testing is not the end of a topic or the preparation cycle. You have to analyze your mistakes and work on your weaknesses. This is the only way to improve. Use TCY Analytics to identify your strengths and weaknesses and also to check the level of proficiency you have acquired in a particular skill area.

Take corrective actions in those areas, where you are lagging behind.

5. Make the test day your BIG Day

Relax on the day just before your test.

Do not worry at all. “Panic” is your worst enemy on the GRE.

You are stalled on one question for at least 15 seconds. Do not waste time. Move on. Forget about the previous questions as you progress. Carrying the dead wood of the missed questions would lead to a loss of confidence. If you cannot do a problem, no one else can. This is the attitude you should carry.

Subscribe to some GRE Online preparation program, such as the one offered by TCY. This will give you ample practice on the actual testing interface.

All the best for your GRE .

Remember, we here at TCY are committed to your success.

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